Concert dress Men: black DJ, black bow tie, white shirt, black socks. Women: black long-sleeved top, full-length black skirt or smart black trousers and black hosiery. NB - Minimal jewellery.
Folders Black folders for your music are available from Ann Holland. Please speak to her at rehearsals or you can use a black ring binder or folder of your own.
Timings on the day On the day of the concert, Saturday 25 November 2023, we will start rehearsing at 2pm in St John’s Church, and try and be done by 4/4.30pm We'll confirm the end time nearer the time. The concert starts at 7pm.
Evening performance Choir members are usually asked to arrive at the church by 6.40pm for a warm up and to be ready to go on stage.
Score collection After the concert, hired scores (cleaned of all notes) should be left in the box placed near the door in the Green Room.